These are the farm property rights
the bank held for the railroad.
Pass them over here before something
happens to them.
Settle down.
Not all this money's ours.
No, it was the bank's.
That's why we went
to all the trouble of stealing it.
We ought to give some money
to our hurting neighbors in Liberty.
They didn't risk their necks.
Creating some goodwill
will make it easier to dodge the law.
Frank's being smart about this.
Him reading books
don't make him smart.
-Yeah, it does.
-No, it don't. Stay out of this.
-I think Jesse's got a good idea.
Who put you in charge? I did
a mighty fine job during the war.
And I remember cutting
a noose off you.
That's why you both lead the gang.
Two of you went into that bank.
Two heads are better than one.
All Jesse's doing is making
a suggestion.
We're waiting to hear
what you think, Cole. . .
. . .as the other leader of the gang.
That's fine.
-It's a smart thing to do.
We decide something, that's it.
We're in this for the long haul.
This plan of me and Jesse's,
it's smart. Gives us places to hide.
Then no farmer will shoot us
in our sleep.
We gotta think--
What's that word, Frank?
-Yeah, thank you.
-Strategically, because this is a war.
-This ain't no war.
What's that?
Nobody paid me no $1 000
to fight in a war.
-Tom, are you cheating again?
-I'm broke again.
-Next up, Thaxton Switch.
-That ain't a bank.
It's a construction depot
so it'll have ammo, explosives.
We can take those and
do a bigger job.
-It's guarded by Pinkerton detectives.
-I do so want to kill me some of them.
Boys. . .
-. . .we're famous.
-What's this?
"Fidelity Bank was robbed on Tuesday
by 20 armed men. "