- Uh, hey, man,
could I askyou a question?
- Sure, son.
Is it true that
Paul Finch nailed your mom?
Sons of bitches.
My mom's a saint!
Go sucksome dick!
Hey, arlos,ason.
What's going on?
Keg's back on the deck.
Hey, how's Iowa State?
Did you see those fuckers
I had to boot outta here?
Yup. Back at Stifler's.
It'sjust like old times.
One difference.
We're college men now.
Some ofthese girls
are from the grade below us.
I might actually have a chance.
Hey, I rememberyou.
Oh, do you now?
You're that guy who blew
his load on the Internet.
[Both Laughing]
Splat. ''Oh, wait,
Nadia, don't go.'' Splat.
It's exactly like
old times.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'll miss you.
I'll call you
when I get in, okay?
Go have fun.
lcan't believe
those two girls, Kevin.
Jim, it'snot a big deal.
No. Yeah.
Theytoyed with
Hello. Hello.
There's other girls.
- How are ya?
- Yougot nothing
to worryabout, man.
Hey,essica's here.
With Vicky.
And Vicky got... hot!
What's that supposed
to mean?
Look at her.
Yeah,Jim, lsee her.
Hey, Kevin.
I'll be right back.