Hey-- Hey, Nadia.
How was college?
ollege was excellent.
Yeah. Yeah, it was--
it was really excellent.
You have not forgotten
about me, have you?
No. I, uh--
Absolutely not.
I defiinitely didn't.
Good, because guess what?
I'm coming to see you
at the end ofsummer.
I hope you're ready
for me...
because I have not forgotten
about you either, you sexy boy.
[Jim] Shit.
[Finch]Jim, you can
eat hot dogs tomorrow.
No, no, Finch,
it's not the hot dogs.
Nadia called me
this morning.
She's coming here
at the end ofthe summer
and she wants to see me.
- Oh, that's killer.
- Yeah, that's a good thing.
No, not ''good thing.''
Not ''killer.''
I'll never be able
to do it.
Nadia is gonna be expecting
fiilet mignon.
Okay, and all I'm gonna
be able to give her...
is rump roast.
Aw, come on.
Jim, you've had experience
since Nadia.
Ah, yes, you would be
referring to...
the flute-fetish band geek
that made me her bitch and
then ditched me after prom.
Yes, that's
great experience.
That's the one.
Ah, you just gotta
fiind the right girl,imbo.
Brings it all together.
lhadthe right woman.
Shejust sells her cottage
and takes off
to parts unknown.
Oh, my romantic life
has past its peak.
Take me out to the pasture
and shoot me.
Super start to
a super summer, fellas.
Welcome home.
Guys, I got it.
Packyour bags.
- For what?
- We're moving to the lake.
We're gonna be the shit.
Everybody on the beach
is gonna know us.
Plenty ofopportunities
to practice for Nadia.
Throw a huge party at the end
ofthe summer to cap it all off.
Dude, that's a great idea.
That way we'll be able
to welcome Heather back...
and we'll be able to prepare
for Nadia's big arrival.