Tell him 3:00.
Cancel the other one.
When we get to the house,
turn that shit off.
He hates that crap.
Why do we need
40 sandwiches?
It's a gift
for a friend, okay?
Sure your friend
will do a good job?
I told you 20 times he will.
Who is this friend?
Is he a cop too?
No, he was locked up
for 20 years.
What for?
He was a guerrilla.
Like the Zapatistas?
That's right,
only he was a real son of a bitch.
He planted a bomb in a mall,
kidnapped a banker,
killed cops...
Turn here.
He had an army after him,
the White Brigade.
You know who got him?
- Who?
- Me!
I caught him pissing
at Sanborn's Cafe!
Can you believe that?
Deposit that money
in my account.
I'll transfer it.
What do I say to him?
I'll do the talking.
Don't ask personal questions.
Why not?
It pisses him off.
He was a normal guy,
like you and me.
He was a college teacher,
and one day, boom!
He dumps his wife and daughter
and becomes a guerrilla.