killed cops...
Turn here.
He had an army after him,
the White Brigade.
You know who got him?
- Who?
- Me!
I caught him pissing
at Sanborn's Cafe!
Can you believe that?
Deposit that money
in my account.
I'll transfer it.
What do I say to him?
I'll do the talking.
Don't ask personal questions.
Why not?
It pisses him off.
He was a normal guy,
like you and me.
He was a college teacher,
and one day, boom!
He dumps his wife and daughter
and becomes a guerrilla.
- And his family?
- What do you think?
They told him to go to hell!
His wife remarried.
I guess his daughter
thinks he's dead.
When he got out of the can,
he went fucking nuts.
When I found him,
he was a wino.
I felt sorry for him.
I gave him some cash
and a place to live.
We even became pals.
He started doing jobs for me.
Jobs... like this one?
I'll get it.
Why did you do that?
You'll buy another one!
What's up, Chivito?