Sweet mother
of Jefferson Davis!
It's beautiful.
Milo, I gotta
hand it to you.
You really came through.
Uh, I take that back.
Holy cats!
Who are these guys?
-They gotta be Atlanteans.
-What? That's impossible!
I seen this back
in the Dakota.
They can smell fear
just by looking at ya.
So keep quiet.
I think it's
talking to you.
Ita, sum amice viator.
Dices linguam Romae.
Parlez-vous francais?
Oui, monsieur!
They speak
my language!
Ah, voulez-vous...
Ooh, I like her.
Hmm! 'Bout time
someone hit him.
I'm just sorry
it wasn't me.
Buenos días.
Guten tag!
How do they know
all these languages?
Their language must be
based on a root dialect.
It's just like
the Tower of Babel.
Well, maybe English
is in there somewhere.
We are explorers
from the surface world.
We come in peace.