Bella Martha

Table 19 has asked
for the cheque.

On with 14!
- When is 6 ready? -4 minutes.

Gregor says the lamb is great.
- The Steinbergs are here.

I'm busy.
- Martha, please.

2 rucola salads,
one without the duck.

Not too long, or...
- I know.

Dry, Lea.
Qualis go dry, not tough.

And hold off table 9.
- Yes

Let's go through next week's menu
later. - Okay. Lea, table 14!

The quails were tremendous!
Amazing! Magical! -I'm glad.

My husband worships you.
I'm jealous!

I worship everyone who tickles
my palate.

Heaven knows why he married me.
He won't allow me
to make a cup of tea.

There's one thing Ionelier
than sleeping alone:

eating alone.
And I love you.

Excuse me.
