Can you tell me in
what hotel he's in?
Then I'll come by.
Is my ID enough?
See you soon. Bye.
Your husband's left.
Did he tell you where
he was going? - No.
I've even got his stuff here.
You can have it
if you pay his bills.
Your husband talked about you
a lot. When did you lose contact?
Years ago, wasn't it?
Yes. He didn't want
me to come anymore.
Why wasn't I told of his release?
You have to apply for that yourself.
We can't do everything. Oh.
Has he already visited you?
Yes, briefly. He came
at a bad moment.
I'll be frank with you.
Your husband's case is special.
He isn't a criminal, and his offence ...
... was unusual. But a long sentence
always has the same effects.
He'll get in touch after
a success or a disappointment.
If he can't cope at first,
he'll need your help.
You shouldn't promise
him too much.
That could make him overreact
if he's disappointed.
But don't apply for divorce or
withdraw custody of his son yet.
That would be too much for him.
He needs you, but he also
has to become independent.
He didn't say anything. I said he
could stay here but he didn't want to.
Then he said he'd be in touch.
Nothing about his plans?
No. Not a word.
Maybe he's gone on holiday.
You never know with Martin.
Here are the keys ...
... to get in, for the till, and so on.
I don't know if this is my thing.