I quit the business.
Got out completely.
I mean, what the fuck?
I'd made 60 million dollars
and I was out clean.
Well...maybe ljumped the
gun on "clean."
Georgie, let's go!
The baby's coming!
I'm coming! I'm coming.
Jesus Christ.
George, hurry up!
Georgie, let's go!
Right! Right! Right!
What the fuck?
I'll be right down.
Watching mybabygirl being
born didsomething to me.
They talk about religious experiences.
I didn't believe in religion.
I didn't even particularly
like kids.
But when Kristina Sunshine Jung
came into the world,
somethin' in me changed.
I knew what I was put on
the planet for.
It was the greatest feeling
I everhad...
followed veryabruptlyby
the worst feeling I everhad.
Call the cardiologist. I think he's
having a heart attack.
The official toxicitylimit for
humans is between one...
and one-and-a-halfgrams of
cocaine, depending on body weight.
I was averaging five grams a day,
maybe more.
Isnorted ten grams in
ten minutes once.
I guess I had high tolerance.
George, I'm not here
to give you lectures.
I have no moral interest in
what you do or don't do.
But take it easy, George.
Stay with us a while.
You have a daughter now.