
I didn't even particularly
like kids.

But when Kristina Sunshine Jung
came into the world,

somethin' in me changed.
I knew what I was put on
the planet for.

It was the greatest feeling
I everhad...

followed veryabruptlyby
the worst feeling I everhad.

Call the cardiologist. I think he's
having a heart attack.

The official toxicitylimit for
humans is between one...

and one-and-a-halfgrams of
cocaine, depending on body weight.

I was averaging five grams a day,
maybe more.

Isnorted ten grams in
ten minutes once.

I guess I had high tolerance.
George, I'm not here
to give you lectures.

I have no moral interest in
what you do or don't do.

But take it easy, George.
Stay with us a while.
You have a daughter now.
A daughter.
I came home and
cleaned up myact.

I didn't do anything.
No drink, no nothing.

Soberas ajudge.
Mylife was all about Kristina.
Being with her,
taking care ofher.

I wanted to be a father,
a good father...

just like my old man was to me.
