The neighborhood kids always
wanted to hang at my house.
Lives in a bubble,
smells like poop
Bubble boy, bubble boy
Get out of here,
you little buggers! Go on!
But I liked
to hang with my dad.
Holy mother of shit, Morton!
Are you trying to kill
him with that thing?
Jimmy, lunchie.
Suppertime was the best.
Nothing could beat Mom's
homemade, vitamin-rich...
soy-based, germ-free,
fat-free fiber cookies.
Mmm. Mm-hmm.
I grew up
like any other kid.
At 16,
I didn't get a car...
but I did get an electrical
rock-music guitar!
I can't
believe the things I found
I need to find my way
I'm lost, I'm lost
I do believe I'm living
In the Land
Of the Lost
I'm living in the Land
Living in the Land
Living in the Land
Of the Lost
I was so happy.
I had everything
a boy could ever want.
"And then Pinocchio came out
of his plastic bubble...
"touched the filthy little
whore next door and died."
The End.
Ooh, baby
Oh, yeah
Over the next few years...
I washed my window a lot.
Oh, my
was happening to me.
But I didn't know what.