Cats & Dogs

I wouldn't do that if I were you.
I like your spirit,
but do me a favor and stand back.

That's my biscuit.
That would've been
the shortest assignment in history.

Where you going?
I guess HQ ain't training
the way they used to.

-Who exactly are you?
-Name's Butch.

What stupid name did the bipeds
saddle you with? Spot? Fifi? Rover?

-God forbid.

Oh, Lou. Sorry.
Is that boy always so grumpy?
Maybe they should switch his food.

Humans can get a little emotional.
You'll get used to it. Come on.

Where's that coming from?
What? It's standard equipment.
EC-three vid-phone, research archive
database, cipher charts, Snausages.

-Hey, what's this?

That's the big button.
You don't just press the big button.


Just try to remember your training.
Let's get started. Here's the skinny:
Your new master's a scientist.
He's been working
on a cure for dog allergies.

It's a big deal. If no one's allergic
to dogs, we'll have the advantage.

This was your predecessor:
Agent 1364, AIKA Buddy.

He was catnapped about a month ago.
Wasn't on top of his game.
He had to retire.

He got a nice condo in Boca.
Lucky dog.

You're here to replace him.
And to keep the cats away
from the formula.

Can't let them near that.
Now, come on.
