Where's that coming from?
What? It's standard equipment.
EC-three vid-phone, research archive
database, cipher charts, Snausages.
-Hey, what's this?
That's the big button.
You don't just press the big button.
Just try to remember your training.
Let's get started. Here's the skinny:
Your new master's a scientist.
He's been working
on a cure for dog allergies.
It's a big deal. If no one's allergic
to dogs, we'll have the advantage.
This was your predecessor:
Agent 1364, AIKA Buddy.
He was catnapped about a month ago.
Wasn't on top of his game.
He had to retire.
He got a nice condo in Boca.
Lucky dog.
You're here to replace him.
And to keep the cats away
from the formula.
Can't let them near that.
Now, come on.
All right, agent, let's meet the team.
Kid, look over there.
-That's Peek.
I don't get it.
Peek, show yourself.
We got a calico on the corner
of Center and Main....
Oh, my God!
Peek's early warning.
He's got it all. Radar, sonar,
thermo-imaging, odor-matrixing.
He can detect a non-residential cat
from three blocks away.
-Peek, fall in.
-Roger that.
-Sam, what's your 20?
-One-eighteenth of a klick east.
I'm going to backtrack using
a delta approach in three...
. . .two. . .one.