- Where can I find Col. Eichmann?
- Follow me, sir.
Excuse the interruption.
My memorandum of recommendations.
I have here another copy,
in the circumstance Gen. Heydrich...
...would like to be refreshed of its contents
for the sake of maintaining harmony...
...between the Gestapo
and the Foreign Office.
- That was my thought.
- Yes.
Are there any changes
to the list of the invited...
- So even Dr. Kritzinger will be here?
- Yes.
Yes, he will not be happy.
Here we are. And how are you?
Very well, thank you.
I'll make sure that the General sees this.
- When will he arrive?
- He should be on the ground any moment.
May I take your coat, sir? Your hat?
Neumann, Director,
Office of the Four-Year Plan, sir.
Yes. How are you, Neumann?
Always surprised and flattered,
Dr. Stuckart, that you recognize me.
I'm always thanking you for saying so.