May I take your coat, sir? Your hat?
Neumann, Director,
Office of the Four-Year Plan, sir.
Yes. How are you, Neumann?
Always surprised and flattered,
Dr. Stuckart, that you recognize me.
I'm always thanking you for saying so.
Neumann, Director,
Office of the Four-Year Plan.
Dr. Stuckart.
- Heil Hitler. Welcome, sir.
- Heil Hitler. Thank you for the welcome.
Gen. Heydrich's not here yet, I expect.
Am I correct?
Yes, sir.
He loves a grand entrance.
I have no idea what happened to him.
Probably running a bank
somewhere by now.
I understand the purpose,
but no idea what the man might propose.
- Or what the meeting's about? Power.
- No, consolidation of power.
We should benefit by that.
Kritzinger, a pleasure.
I'm pleased you're here.
A morbid curiosity.
We have settled this question.
So I thought.
- What's been discussed?
- Everything, except the fighting in Moscow.
I've heard we're counter-attacking.
Reichenau's got them out of...
Reichenau is dead.
Let us not gossip like maids at the market.
We are stalled for the winter.
Time to face reality.