lf you're still alive even after
the monorail incident,
it's in your body too, The vaccine...
You seem to know everything.
lt's just like you said:
Knowing too much shortens your life span.
You're notjust an average bounty hunter,
Spike Spiegel.
lt's waste of time,
just calling yourself a military unit.
My name is Electra Obilwon,
Your name sounds strong.
l never knew that l had something
like this inside me.
Vincent is... That man has been all
alone since he was born.
From his youth, the only thing anyone
gave him was honour and hatred.
No one ever loved him.
That's why l wanted to save him.
l thought l could do it.
lt was all a misuderstanding
on the monorail.
Vincent looked at me as though
he was looking at a stranger.
l was already gone from his menories.
You loved him?
l don't know.
l didn't realize those feelings
were inside me.
l didn't know, and l lost myself.
My heart was aching, and it hurt.
Have you ever experienced anything similar?
Of course,
Maybe the one that wanted to be saved was me.