Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no tobira

From his youth, the only thing anyone
gave him was honour and hatred.

No one ever loved him.
That's why l wanted to save him.
l thought l could do it.
lt was all a misuderstanding
on the monorail.

Vincent looked at me as though
he was looking at a stranger.

l was already gone from his menories.
You loved him?
l don't know.
l didn't realize those feelings
were inside me.

l didn't know, and l lost myself.
My heart was aching, and it hurt.
Have you ever experienced anything similar?
Of course,
Maybe the one that wanted to be saved was me.
Long ago...
l was younger then...
l wasn't afraid of anything.
l didn't think about dying for a second.
l thoutht l was invincible.
Then l met some girl.
l wanted to live.
l started to think like that.
For the first time, l was aftaid of death.
l'd never felf it before.
Where's that person now?
Gone somewhere...
lt's amazing.
You're the first person l've ever told this to.
Why are you after Vincent?
He smells just like me.
So l want to meet him.
