Domestic Disturbance

You're so wrong
about him

You don't even know
what he's really about

You're the one that
I don't really know

anything about anymore,

Do you think that I so
desperately need a man,

that I'm going to endanger
my own child by marring a-

What are you
doing here?

Come on,
Danny, let's go

No, he's coming home
with me

He's scared of the guy
It's not right

What do you get?
Have I ever stopped you
from seeing him?

This is not about custody
Danny, please get
in my car

If you want to fight me
for custody-

I don't want to fight you
for custody !

Please don't do this !
Hold on a second, Frank
This is none of your

What if I make it my

Don't !
Frank, don't do this !
I'm sorry, Mike
Dad, that was so cool
Put your seat belt on
That was awesome
Knock it off, Danny
You know what I've
just done?

It's called kidnapping
How could it be
kidnapping ?

I'm your kid
It just is
It doesn't matter

So you believe me now?
Yeah, yeah
What are we going to
do now? I don't know

Dad, watch out !
You never struck me
as the kind of guy

Who would exploit the
emotional problems of

his son to make a play
for custody

Sergeant, I know you have
a history with my son

I know that's why you're
having a hard time with this

But this character,
Ray Coleman
he was at the weeding -

When Ray Coleman
showed up at the wedding,

Rick Barnes
wasn't happy to see him

But there's more
they had two different
stories about how they met

Maybe Ray Coleman is
a little confused

But he wasn't confused
Maybe he'd been
drinking, come on now
