Domestic Disturbance

I'm your kid
It just is
It doesn't matter

So you believe me now?
Yeah, yeah
What are we going to
do now? I don't know

Dad, watch out !
You never struck me
as the kind of guy

Who would exploit the
emotional problems of

his son to make a play
for custody

Sergeant, I know you have
a history with my son

I know that's why you're
having a hard time with this

But this character,
Ray Coleman
he was at the weeding -

When Ray Coleman
showed up at the wedding,

Rick Barnes
wasn't happy to see him

But there's more
they had two different
stories about how they met

Maybe Ray Coleman is
a little confused

But he wasn't confused
Maybe he'd been
drinking, come on now

You can go now
Mr. Morrison

Your ex-wife isn't
pressing charges

And, for the time being,
neither are we

By the way, I checked
with the police in the

Bay Area
No Ray Coleman was
reported missing

That's not good enough
Good-bye, Mr. Morrison
Jack, look, it was not
my intention to
fight for custody

But now I have
no choice, do I ?

Right !
Okay, all right, I'll see
you there at 10. Thanks

That was Berman
He's tough, man

But he's good, he's the
one who handled the

whole divorce thing
Just have to figure out

I'm sorry, Frank
I can't believe that you
have actually managed to

convince yourself that
this man -This man ?

This man who only
wanted to help-This man ?
