No, this is how you
lost Danny the first time
Come on
Frank let's go home
That's the best offer
I've had in a while
You get fresh
I'll make it real
It's my day to see him
Yeah, I know it is
I tried talking to him
but he just
went racing out
I'm sure he just feels
badly about lying to you
I'm sure it'll be okay
I'm sorry
I have to go,
But I promise I'll tell
him to call you
Cheeseburger and
french fries
Can I get you anything
to drink?
Diet Coke
Sounds good
Took me 15 years to get
one of these. How long
you been here?
Been here about two years
but I being here
for a long time
Two years
At the rate you're going,
we'll be naming the town
after you
Thank you very much, I
appreciate it. Thank you
I'd just like to say
thank you to the men and
women of Southport
For recognizing me with
this honour, I feel flattered
to be included