Domestic Disturbance

Cheeseburger and
french fries

Can I get you anything
to drink?

Diet Coke
Sounds good
Took me 15 years to get
one of these. How long
you been here?

Been here about two years
but I being here
for a long time

Two years
At the rate you're going,
we'll be naming the town
after you

Thank you very much, I
appreciate it. Thank you

I'd just like to say
thank you to the men and
women of Southport

For recognizing me with
this honour, I feel flattered
to be included

Hey, Dan
Hey, Dad
You're a hard man to
get a hold of lately

What are you doing here?
What is this about,

I'm just trying to talk
to my son

Ten o'clock at night?
It's not your business
Frank, do you really

That showing up here
drunk in front of your son

What is that supposed
to make him want to spend
more time around you?

Are you crazy

What are you doing ?
Screw you, Patterson !
Just because this
asshole's got some money

to spread around you don't
give a shit who he is !

Dad why don't you
just go home?
