And I'm gonna wash all that down
with a 40 dog of Schlitz malt liquor.
I'm sorry, sir. I don't believe
we have Schlitz malt liquor.
No Schlitz malt liquor?
No Schlitz malt liquor?
Well, ain't that some shit. How you
gonna run a successful business...
and you ain't got
no Schlitz malt liquor?
You ain't keepin' it real.
You ain't representin'.
What you doin' up in here, boy?
Uh, uh, uh, shit.
- I'll see what I can do, sir.
- Ya do that.
Fresh-Prince-of-Bel-Air-looking mo...
He do look like
the father on the Fresh Prince.
Hey, uh, look, bro.
We ain't gettin' nowhere by fightin'.
Why don't you just talk to me?
I mean, how bad can it be?
It ain't like you murdered anybody.
Man, what kind of shit are you into?
Freddy, do you remember my assistant,
Shari? You met her at the office.
The one with that phat ass?
Yes. Well, she's dead.
I'm sorry, man. My bad.
I'm sorry to hear that.
L- I went to her apartment and, uh...
I don't know what happened, man. These two cops
wound up dead, and they think I did everything.
What's up with the CIA, bitch?
- Ah, here you go, gentlemen.
- Uh, thank you. You're a scholar and a gentleman.
Compliments to the chef.
How do you know
about the CIA, Freddy?
I, um... I can't really
talk to you about this.
Is that why we're on our way to Mexico?
I happen to know Mexico
like the back of my hand.