Down to Earth

- This place does seem a little--
- A little what ?
It's a little dark in here.
These are my people.
And there is no more America.
There's no more little towns.

No, no, no.
You know what all it is ?

The whole country is malls.

And every town's got two malls.
Every town's got two malls.

That's right.
They got the white mall...

and the mall white people
used to go to.

That's right. 'Cause there
ain't nothin' in the black mall.

They don't got nothin' in the black mall
but sneakers and baby clothes.

I guess that's all we doin'--
runnin' and screwin'.

And white people will abandon a mall.
That's right.

White people like their black
the same way they like their seasoning--

just a dash.
You go to a white mall,
it's all nice.

Everything. The stores are all nice.
You got personal shoppers.

You go to a black mall and people say,
"Can I help you with the cheap shit ?"

White people get some money,
keep it. Stay rich.

Kids get rich.
Black people get some money,

it's the countdown to
"When this brother gonna go broke ?"

- That's right.
White people die and leave a will.
Brother die and leave a bill.

I'm fine. I'm fine. Fine.
Hi, it's Sontee.
Leave me a message.
I'll call you back.

Hey, Sontee.
Charles Wellington here.

The bastard.
Remember me ? Anyway,

it was cool havin' you
break into my house the other day,

and I was just wonderin' if we can
get together and get somethin' to eat.

You know, catch a movie or somethin'.
