Down to Earth

Kids get rich.
Black people get some money,

it's the countdown to
"When this brother gonna go broke ?"

- That's right.
White people die and leave a will.
Brother die and leave a bill.

I'm fine. I'm fine. Fine.
Hi, it's Sontee.
Leave me a message.
I'll call you back.

Hey, Sontee.
Charles Wellington here.

The bastard.
Remember me ? Anyway,

it was cool havin' you
break into my house the other day,

and I was just wonderin' if we can
get together and get somethin' to eat.

You know, catch a movie or somethin'.
Hey, Sontee. Charles Wellington here.
Hope you like the flowers.
Allright. Give me a call.
- Hey, Sontee. Charles Wellington again.
You haven't called me.
I was just wonderin'...

if we can get together and catch
a movie, maybe a play, somethin'.

Are you there ?
Are you screening this call ?
Okay, I guess you're not there.
Hey, Sontee.
Charles Wellington.
Are you there ?

- I know you're there !
Pick up the phone !
I know you're there !

Hey, just playin'.
Just playin'.

All right.
Give me a call, okay ?

Good mornin'. Did you know
your answering machine is broken ?

No, it's not broken,
but it is full.
