Hey, Sontee. Charles Wellington here.
Hope you like the flowers.
Allright. Give me a call.
- Hey, Sontee. Charles Wellington again.
You haven't called me.
I was just wonderin'...
if we can get together and catch
a movie, maybe a play, somethin'.
Are you there ?
Are you screening this call ?
Okay, I guess you're not there.
Hey, Sontee.
Charles Wellington.
Are you there ?
- I know you're there !
Pick up the phone !
I know you're there !
Hey, just playin'.
Just playin'.
All right.
Give me a call, okay ?
Good mornin'. Did you know
your answering machine is broken ?
No, it's not broken,
but it is full.
- What are you doin' here ?
- I was just in the neighborhood.
Oh, you were in Brooklyn.
What were you doin',
shuttin' down some old folks home ?
Don't be so mean.
I thought maybe we could...
get in the Rolls
and go by the Four Seasons,
have a little brunch,
discuss this whole hospital thing.
Oh, so you're trying to impress me
with the car and the money.
You think I'm some video ho ?
Look, I really don't care
what you have, okay ?
Ifyou want to impress me,
do it at the board meeting on Monday.
I thought maybe we could
spend some time together.
Why don't you spend a little time and do
something positive with your money ?
That was brutal.
You got a nice touch
with the ladies.
I can't get a girl in this body,
and I definitely can't get any laughs.
- Have you found me anything yet ?
- I'm workin' on it.
I was just in Havana.
You want one ?
No, I don't want one. What I want
from you is a body that works.
I want a body,
and I want it now !
What, are you gettin' tough with me ?
I'm a friggin' angel.