Down to Earth

Whit, I didn't steal anything.
I just want to play the Apollo. You're
the only man who can help me do it.

No. I'm out
of the comedy business.

Last person
I was gonna help is dead.

But, anyway,
he was a special case.

Really ?
What was so special about him ?

About him ? Nothin', really,
ifyou want to know.

He didn't have much talent to speak of.
But no matter
how bad it went--

and, believe me, sometimes
it went really bad--

he wanted to get back onstage.
He was a good kid.
And I wanted to be there
when things got good for him, but--

Thanks for the beer.
Whitney, it's me-- Lance.
Uh-- I got hit by a truck,
and I went up to heaven,
and they took my body quick.

And I'm in heaven,
and it's all blue.

And this guy--
And then the other guy, Mr. King,

he looked like Ricky Ricardo and--
I don't know if it's drugs you're takin'
or drugs you need to be takin',

but do something.
Whitney, remember when we did
that gig in Atlantic City ?

They were supposed to pay us 500,
but they only gave us 250.

And we got real drunk
and hung out with these two girls.

We got so drunk, we thought
they was transvestites.

Turns out they weren't

They were just
two real ugly girls.

Then we brought 'em back to the hotel,
hung out with 'em, fell asleep.

When we woke up,
what did we find out ?

They robbed us !
Yeah, man ! They--
Booey !
