Enemy at the Gates

Tomorrow morning, Stalin himself
will be sitting over breakfast,

reading my words,
memorizing your name.

We're famous, Vassili.
Kruschev loved the article.

He's promoted me
to the general staff.

And you
to sniper division.

- Well, that's good.
- It's very good.

- It's very good. It's great.
- It's very great!

- It's great!
- For us because we did it together.

- [ Laughing ]
- Together!

- Although I did all the hard work.
- Oh, yeah?

- You're very lucky I can't fight back.
- Why's that?

Because Kruschev told me to make sure
nothing happens to you.

- You're too important.
- I'm too valuable.

Yes, careful of my-- careful
of my glasses, please. They're new.

Sorry, sir.
- I'm famous! We're famous!
- I'm famous! I'm famous!

[Male Announcer] Vassili,
the young shepherd from the Urals,

killed his 12th
German officer today.

He used to hunt wolves,
now he shoots fascists.

Today, Vassili Zaitsev
shot his 23rd German officer.

He is an example to us all.
Vassilis hot
his 32nd German officer.

[Announcers Continue, Indistinct]
Count only the Germans
you have killed.

- Today, Vassili Zaitsev--
- [Man]Here is the evidence--

11 dog tags retrieved
by sniper Vassili Zaitsev.

[Announcers Continue, Indistinct]
More and more men and women, fighters
from all branches of our armed forces,

join the sniper division and learn
the skills of Vassili Zaitsev.

[ Vassili Narrating]
I am a stone.

I am a stone.
I breathe slowly.
I am at the eye.
[ Breathes Deeply ]
