Enemy at the Gates

We've got someone, Vassili.
Someone close to him
passing us information.

Next time you will be
one step ahead of him.

I promise.
[ Chuckles ]
Now I have a favor to ask.
From me?
[ Whispers ]
It's about Tania.

Come in.
[ Vassili ]
He doesn't even know you exist.

But at that moment, you are closer
to him than anyone else on earth.

You see his face
through the sight.

You see whether he shaved
that morning or not.

You can see whether he's married
by whether he has a wedding ring on.

[Clock Ticking]
It's not like...
just firing at a distant shape,
not just a uniform.

It's a man's face.
Those faces don't go away.
They come back and they just--
they get replaced by more faces.

Did Danilov ask you
to tell me this?

He likes you very much. I think he'd try
anything to change your mind.

Did he tell you
why I asked for the transfer?

This morning, a list
arrived at headquarters.

It was a list of civilians
who'd been...

rounded up and sent to Germany
in a convoy...

that left Stalingrad
three weeks ago.

My parents
were amongst them.

After 30 kilometers,
the German soldiers...

stopped the train
and forced everyone out.

In the middle of a bridge,
they bound them together,
