Yes? Mom?
Oh, hi, honey?
CouId you hang on a second?
I'm sorry, it's a madhouse. What's up?
Nothing, I just wanted to say hi.
Oh, honey, hang on a second.
What is it? Do you need something?
No, I'm fine. Are you okay?
Yes. I'm exhausted.
No one has any idea
what they're doing. . .
. . .so I have to take care of everyhing.
I'm spread too thin as usuaI.
- You shouId get some rest.
- I'II rest when I'm dead.
Listen, my miIeage isn't
good anymore. . .
. . .so I'II just wait untiI he's born
and then I'II come out.
I just can't get away right now.
I'm up to my neck.
It's a bad time for me.
How are you feeIing?
Good. Listen, honey,
I shouId be going.
I'm gIad you caIIed. I Iove you, honey.
I Iove you too.
Question. How's your KegeI?
I said how's that KegeI going?