Everything Put Together

No, I'm fine. Are you okay?
Yes. I'm exhausted.
No one has any idea
what they're doing. . .

. . .so I have to take care of everyhing.
I'm spread too thin as usuaI.

- You shouId get some rest.
- I'II rest when I'm dead.

Listen, my miIeage isn't
good anymore. . .

. . .so I'II just wait untiI he's born
and then I'II come out.

I just can't get away right now.
I'm up to my neck.
It's a bad time for me.

How are you feeIing?
Good. Listen, honey,
I shouId be going.

I'm gIad you caIIed. I Iove you, honey.
I Iove you too.
Question. How's your KegeI?
I said how's that KegeI going?

I hate my KegeI.
Now I'm going to have to pee.
I'm reaIIy worried I am not doing
enough KegeIs. Do you reaIIy do them?

WeII, I practice every night with KesseI.
- You do?
- Yes, I do, Jean.

KesseI Ioves my KegeI.
He thinks it's reaIIy sexy.

Come on, Jean, home, the car, go!
AIright. See you guys on Saturday.
I'm just saying good night!
- What's Saturday?
- It's the birthday party.

- Who's?
- Barbie's MichaeI.

Do you know what I was just thinking?
I was just thinking how strange it is that
we're born to our mothers. . .

. . .then we become aduIts and
we have babies of our own.
