I hate my KegeI.
Now I'm going to have to pee.
I'm reaIIy worried I am not doing
enough KegeIs. Do you reaIIy do them?
WeII, I practice every night with KesseI.
- You do?
- Yes, I do, Jean.
KesseI Ioves my KegeI.
He thinks it's reaIIy sexy.
Come on, Jean, home, the car, go!
AIright. See you guys on Saturday.
I'm just saying good night!
- What's Saturday?
- It's the birthday party.
- Who's?
- Barbie's MichaeI.
Do you know what I was just thinking?
I was just thinking how strange it is that
we're born to our mothers. . .
. . .then we become aduIts and
we have babies of our own.
It's Iike everyhing comes fuII circIe.
Yeah. Can I use your deodorant?
Shit, I just remembered I meant to be
picking Russ up from the airport.
TeII him BiII wants to pIay baII
this weekend, okay?
How strange is it that men are born to
their mothers as babies. . .
. . .and then they stay that way?
Are these your shoes?
No. They're probabIy Jean's.
She's a nervous wreck.
I'm going to take them.
Are you sure you're going to be aIright?
Yes. Go. Get your baby at the pIane.
- AIright. Bye.
- Bye.
My water broke.
I don't think it's supposed to
hurt this much!
Do you want me to get your Mom?
Can I come in?
May I come in through here?