Everything Put Together

He makes me roII down the window,
introduces me to the dog. . .

What's the matter?
I don't know what to put for number 1 6.
Just Ieave it bIank.
And so you just gave him your number?
- WeII, he was cute.
- GirI, you need to quit!

And guess what the dog's name was?
- What?
- MarIon.

I thought you wouId want this.
Thank you.
- You know what I want to know?
- Sign.

- Did you get aIong with the dog?
- What do you think?

Good. That's your pen.
I'd teII you the truth.
I do have fun. It's a good Iife.
The time of birth was 1 0:32 p.m.
May 4th, 1 999.

An 8 pound 1 1 ounce heaIthy maIe.
The expiration was 1 :28 p.m.
of the foIIowing day.

StatisticaIIy, maIe infants are sIightIy
more susceptibIe to SIDS than femaIes.
