- You know what I want to know?
- Sign.
- Did you get aIong with the dog?
- What do you think?
Good. That's your pen.
I'd teII you the truth.
I do have fun. It's a good Iife.
The time of birth was 1 0:32 p.m.
May 4th, 1 999.
An 8 pound 1 1 ounce heaIthy maIe.
The expiration was 1 :28 p.m.
of the foIIowing day.
StatisticaIIy, maIe infants are sIightIy
more susceptibIe to SIDS than femaIes.
Characteristics such as prematurity. . .
. . .Iow birth weight,
which doesn't appIy here. . .
. . .maternaI substance abuse, smoking,
which aIso don't appIy. . .
. . .are considered risk factors for SIDS.
70% of the infants who die of SIDS. . .
. . .do not have or have not been
exposed to any risk factors.
It's aII right here.
I don't know how eIse to say it.
His heart stopped.
More chiIdren die of SIDS every year
than of cancer. . .
. . .heart disease, pneumonia,
chiId abuse, AIDS. . .
. . .cystic fibrosis and
muscuIar dystrophy combined.
You just don't hear about it.