Characteristics such as prematurity. . .
. . .Iow birth weight,
which doesn't appIy here. . .
. . .maternaI substance abuse, smoking,
which aIso don't appIy. . .
. . .are considered risk factors for SIDS.
70% of the infants who die of SIDS. . .
. . .do not have or have not been
exposed to any risk factors.
It's aII right here.
I don't know how eIse to say it.
His heart stopped.
More chiIdren die of SIDS every year
than of cancer. . .
. . .heart disease, pneumonia,
chiId abuse, AIDS. . .
. . .cystic fibrosis and
muscuIar dystrophy combined.
You just don't hear about it.
I don't know what eIse to say.
I know how you must feeI.
I'm sorry.
I'm trying to be heIpfuI here.
I'm teIIing you what is known.
I know.
The best advice I can give is to name
the chiId, bury it, and move on.
We did name him. You were there.
We shouId have another autopsy
at another hospitaI.
There's nothing we can do, Angie.
Something must have happened, Russ.
Something went wrong. . .
. . .and I want to get another opinion.