Lowery. . .
It's a transfer you say.
I just taIked to you. I caIIed.
I remember. The transfer.
The baby, right?
I toId you I remember.
Look, is this it?
Yes, this is it.
I had it out aIready.
I'm sorry.
His heart stopped.
I understand that.
What I wanted to know is why.
That's the question,
that's aIways the question.
The truth is we don't know.
We don't.
Mrs. Lowery, there are stiII many
unanswered questions in medicine.
This one, this. . .
. . .Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,
is one of the most painfuI.
Because we don't know.
UnfortunateIy there's nothing I can say
that wouId make it any easier for you.
Nothing at aII. I'm sorry.
I'd Iike to see him.
It's a very invasive procedure.
I'm not sure you'd feeI comfortabIe
seeing him.
I want to see him.