We don't.
Mrs. Lowery, there are stiII many
unanswered questions in medicine.
This one, this. . .
. . .Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,
is one of the most painfuI.
Because we don't know.
UnfortunateIy there's nothing I can say
that wouId make it any easier for you.
Nothing at aII. I'm sorry.
I'd Iike to see him.
It's a very invasive procedure.
I'm not sure you'd feeI comfortabIe
seeing him.
I want to see him.
Okay. Are you ready?
That's not my baby.
- Sometimes it's hard to teII.
- I know my own son.
- After the procedure, they. . .
- No, it's not my baby.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Okay, here.