As you can see, there was
a shocking statistical anomaly.
Pretty much all ofyou got A's.
You deserve to congratulateyourselves.
I got a good feeling about this group.
And I think that the parade ofA's will
continue to the end ofthe semester.
So much for the bell curve, right?
Bell curves suck!
Mr. Kane?
Dr. Kane, seems to be a mistake here.
My brother and I each got a C-minus
on our reports.
C-minus. Me too.
Allow me to share something
with the entire class.
As I was grading papers, I came across
two gems, both entitled "Cells Are Bad."
And both withjust one paragraph...
which I unfortunately
committed to memory.
"Cells are bad.
My uncle lives in a cell.
It's ten foot by twelve.
And he has to read the same boring
magazine every day.
The end."
You're talking about our papers,
aren't you, Dr. Kane?
Yes, I am.
Although my standards are not
where they used to be...
I still could not bring myself
to put an A on top ofthose beauties.
Hopeyou understand.
- Sure.
- Yeah, okay.
Let's get back to work at the Periodic
Table which is not, as some suppose--
A meteor? Where?
Route 89-A.
Yeah, I got it.
Rest assured I will be there.
Okay. Bye.
How's it look, Professor?
It's tight.
Really tight, Nadine,
but not too tight.
You just don't have the points.
I'm sorry.
Don't take it too hard. Geology's
a tougher subject than people think.