There are multi-cellular organisms
in there.
- Yes, I know.
- But theyweren't there before.
- So they snuck in.
- There was no sneaking in.
It's-- No, it's too amazing.
- What?
- It's like they're evolving.
They're growing.
They're growing
into more complex organisms.
It's evolution.
Nobel, here we come.
Yeah, but it's 200 million years' worth
injust a few hours.
That's fast.
You have no idea.
Get ready.
On my signal.
Recruit, wake up.
Wake up!
Go! Go, go, go!
The hose!
This thing here!
- Move it! Move it!
- Wayne, go!
Go, go! Come on!
Buddy, these things happen.
There's another test in six months.
Six months?
I can't wait six months!
At least you still got the pool gig
at the country club, right?
Great. Thanks a lot.
Drive careful.
I got it. I got it!
I do this.
Looks like we got visitors.