On my signal.
Recruit, wake up.
Wake up!
Go! Go, go, go!
The hose!
This thing here!
- Move it! Move it!
- Wayne, go!
Go, go! Come on!
Buddy, these things happen.
There's another test in six months.
Six months?
I can't wait six months!
At least you still got the pool gig
at the country club, right?
Great. Thanks a lot.
Drive careful.
I got it. I got it!
I do this.
Looks like we got visitors.
Class, since this is our first field
trip, please obey a few simple rules.
Nice footwear.
It's perfect for spelunking.
Don't touch anything.
Don't move anything. Don't even breathe
unless we tell you to.
And wearyour protective gloves
at all times.
- Why do we have to do this?
- Firsthand field experience.
The very meat and potatoes ofgeology.
- Will this be on the final?
- Yes!
- Officer, nice to seeyou again.
- Professor, what's up?
- We came to pick up the rock.
- Pick it up? What?
Yeah, we--
Just orders from the U.S.G.S. Theywant
it under controlled conditions.
It's very technical.
Oh, technical stuff. It's technical.
Okay, go right ahead.
- We're gonna haul it out ofhere.
- Sure, go ahead.
Deke and Danny, rememberwhat
we talked about, right?
You are in charge ofthe hoisting. Get
the winch up to the hole. Understand?
Fellas, stop nodding andjust stare
at me for a second, okay?