Exit Wounds

Why are we mad and what are we mad at?
Good. Okay.
Who'd like to go next?
Hey, everyone.
How are you?
For those of you just tuning in, my name
is Henry Wayne, and l'm a rageaholic.

You probably all recognize me
from my show, Detroit A.M.

You're probably wondering
what happened to my head here.

l know it's always something,
and l shouldn't lose my cool.

l was at Krispy Kreme,
picking up a twelve-pack.

-And this guy--

l'm so sorry to interrupt you but...
...l'm kind of looking for a fresh face next.
l've been sitting there....
We'll get back to you.
l'm a ticking time bomb,
and l'm ready to implode.

Let's solve my problem.
Sit down!
So, who's it going to be?
Mr. Boyd?
l believe that you were sent to us...

...because of work-related stress...
...aggression towards authority figures...
...and an all-around lack of discipline.
l'm fine. You can move on.
Other people want to say something.

Mr. Boyd, denial is a classic symptom
of unhealthy rage.

Okay? So why don't you just stand up...
...and tell us a little bit about yourself.
l'd like to make this clear:
l don't have rage.

l'm a happy guy. You see this face?
This is a happy face. You all...
...would be lucky to be as happy as l am.
