...because of work-related stress...
...aggression towards authority figures...
...and an all-around lack of discipline.
l'm fine. You can move on.
Other people want to say something.
Mr. Boyd, denial is a classic symptom
of unhealthy rage.
Okay? So why don't you just stand up...
...and tell us a little bit about yourself.
l'd like to make this clear:
l don't have rage.
l'm a happy guy. You see this face?
This is a happy face. You all...
...would be lucky to be as happy as l am.
What am l, a shit magnet?
Junior, having a tough time?
You got to get in and out quick.
l'm an expert at this.
l could do that in a blink of an eye.
-Why don't you show us?
-Just like that. See?
-You a magician?
You want me to show you
how to pull a rabbit out of your ass?
Screw Linda. Come on back in.
Everybody's tearing
the tops off their desks.
Who the hell are you?
Henry Wayne. Detroit A.M.
-This a friend of yours?
-Go back to class.
-They're gonna kill me without you.
lf you stay here, they might kill you, too,
so go back to class.
Jeez! Well, no! Well, shit!
l don't even know this guy.