You bastard, take this!
Hey, Kyungsu! The cops are here!
Hide those things, quick!
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Thought you could fool me again?
What? Fuck me?
Is that how you treat me when
I just got out of prison?
Is that how you treat me when
I just got out of prison?
You are a real son of a bitch, you know that?
Hey, mongrel!
Shame on you!
1 0 days imprisonment for selling
porn tapes to teenagers!
You'd already be dead cold without me
See whose clothes you're wearing
So what?
Shit, these really stink like hell!
Shut up and bring me some beer
There's no beer left
Then go and buy some
No way! It's damn cold so you go!
Besides, looks like you've already drunk
What? I'm gonna break your neck
Okay, okay, I do have some
Just wait
That's better
Here you go! T ake this!
By the way, I met Yongsik today
He was mad as hell
Is he PMS-ing or what?
T ell me about it! It's red alert
While you were in prison,
caught for illegally immigrating Chinese