Shut up and bring me some beer
There's no beer left
Then go and buy some
No way! It's damn cold so you go!
Besides, looks like you've already drunk
What? I'm gonna break your neck
Okay, okay, I do have some
Just wait
That's better
Here you go! T ake this!
By the way, I met Yongsik today
He was mad as hell
Is he PMS-ing or what?
T ell me about it! It's red alert
While you were in prison,
caught for illegally immigrating Chinese
The whole city was a mess!
Even our agency was shut down
Besides, the D's kids are trying
to eat up our club now
So Yongsik's in the pits, I bet
And they call this a gang
Wouldn't take it even if they call me boss!
When you met Yongsik,
didn't he tell you anything?
T ell me what?
He wants you to be a bouncer at the club
You know what a bouncer is, right?
Humiliating, huh?
T ell him you want to be a waiter
Unless you want to get frostbitten
Put it away, you bastard!
That bastard!