Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

I am Dr. Aki Ross.
I have clearance to be here.

-Not without authorization.
-I don't have time for this.

Do you realize you risked our lives?
The fact of the matter is...
:11:13 was worth your men's lives.
-Your men?

-She thinks you're a man.
-She's an idiot.

-I know you're not a man.
-You're an idiot.

-I want to talk about it.

Did it occur to you...
...that we would've volunteered
had we been given a choice?

Nobody asked you to save me.
You have not changed a bit!
Yeah. Nice to see you too.
-Welcome back, captain.
-We're clean.

-Let's make sure of that.
-I hate getting scanned.

It's probably worse
for us than the Phantoms.

These machines
are suspected of causing sterility.

I want to have
a little Neil Jr. someday.

-That's a spooky thought.
-Quit busting my chops?

Let's just do this thing.
