-Welcome back, captain.
-We're clean.
-Let's make sure of that.
-I hate getting scanned.
It's probably worse
for us than the Phantoms.
These machines
are suspected of causing sterility.
I want to have
a little Neil Jr. someday.
-That's a spooky thought.
-Quit busting my chops?
Let's just do this thing.
Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Okay, next.
You've gained weight.
It's upper-body strength.
Get a girlfriend.
I'm working on it.
My security rating
allows me to bypass this.
Not today it doesn't.
Something's not right.
-About this mission? Or that woman?
Listen, I think--
I don't care what you think.
You're getting scanned
just like everybody else.
They got him.
There must be a mistake.
You came in contact
with a Phantom.
Administering treatment shield.
-What level?
-Blue. Code red in 3-1 l2 minutes.