Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Okay, next.
You've gained weight.
It's upper-body strength.
Get a girlfriend.
I'm working on it.
My security rating
allows me to bypass this.
Not today it doesn't.
Something's not right.
-About this mission? Or that woman?
Listen, I think--
I don't care what you think.
You're getting scanned
just like everybody else.
They got him.
There must be a mistake.
You came in contact
with a Phantom.
Administering treatment shield.
-What level?
-Blue. Code red in 3-1 l2 minutes.
We have to treat him.
Impossible. We'll transfer him
to the treatment center.
There's no time for that.
Get him to the table.
Hang in there, captain.
Locating pathogens.
Jesus, look at that thing!
How much time?
Not enough. When he reaches code red,
the shield won't hold.
Engaging bio-etheric laser.