Freddy Got Fingered

I want you to help me make it
into a TV show.

You just barge into a restaurant
dressed like a fucking English bobby...

...and expect someone to give you a TV show?
Uh, I don't know. Um...
- Yeah.
- Do me a favor? Leave me alone.

- Please, please...
- Valet?

- Please, just look at my drawings.
- Yeah, OK. Fine.

It's X-ray Cat, but instead of seeing through
everything, he can only see through wood.

So if there's something on the other side
of a wooden door... See the criminal?

- I see the criminal. I see the door.
- He sees the criminal and saves the day...

:12:33 the dismay of the police cos they hate it
when people take the law into their hands.

- Like a Batman.
- Like a Guardian Angel. What's that called?

- Like a vigilante.
- Like a vigilante! He's like a vigilante...

...uh, cat.
It's a cat who's a vigilante.
A cat who is a vigilante.

I got that, Gord. Listen, your drawings are
pretty good, but it doesn't make sense, OK?

It's fucking stupid. OK?
What you need here is elevation.
There has to be something that happens
that's funny. What the fuck's happening here?

- OK. That's a banana...
- I see the banana, Gord.

- With string.
- I see the string.

With a bag of eyes on the other end,
ba-ba-baboon eyes...

...with sauce...
...uh, dripping.
Dripping sauce and a baboon.
You see what I mean?
It doesn't make any sense, Gord.

It sucks! The drawings are pretty good,
but the characters are lame.

God. The characters are lame.
I'm a loser. I wish I was dead!

Gord, listen! Wait, wait, wait. Listen.
I'm trying to give you
a piece of advice. Will you stop?

You gotta figure these animals out.
You gotta figure them out.

You gotta get inside the animals. OK?
Figure them out.
Take that out. I can't understand.
- I gotta get inside the animals?
- Get inside the animals.

- You mean I shouldn't blow my brains out?
- No. No, you shouldn't blow your brains out.
