Freddy Got Fingered

Don't you get it? Fuck you, fuck me.
Fuck you, fuck me. Fuck you, fuck me.

And I never fingered Freddy!
And now over to Phil,
who has a special-interest story. Phil?

We've heard of electric wheelchairs, but
have you heard of one powered by rockets?

A girl by the name of Betty Menger may not
be able to walk, but it hasn't slowed her down.

She's a scientist who designed a wheelchair
that does 0 to 60 in under four seconds.

She did it.
Look at her go!
Way to go, Betty.
Yeah, hi.
Do you think that I pay you to stand
around watching TV? Get back to work.

- Sorry, kid. I don't think this'll work out.
- Don't call me kid.

Sir, although I respect your authority here
at Submarine Supreme...

...and I admire your position of power...
...I regretfully am going to have to again
bow out of the sandwich industry...

...because in reality I am an animator.
I'm an animator, OK?
See ya.
- Where the hell d'you think you're going?
- To get a job, Dad. OK?

- You must think I'm a damn idiot.
- Uh... yes.

Bullshit, you're getting a job!
You're a liar. You're grounded, you liar.
- Grounded? I'm 28 years old.
- I don't care! Go to your room.

Bye-bye, Daddy. Bye-bye, Daddy.
I'm going to get a jobbie!

No, you're not!
Not in this damn car you're not!

- Bye-bye, Daddy.
- Fuck you! Thief! Thief! Thief!
