Dr Fell?
Chief Inspector Rinaldo Pazzi
of the questura.
how can I be of service?
Sorry. I'm investigating
the disappearance...
of your predecessor,
Signor di Bonaventura.
- I was wondering if--
- "Predecessor" implies I have the job.
Unfortunately, I don't.
Not yet, though I am hopeful.
They are letting me look after
the library for a stipend.
The officers who first checked...
didn't find any sort of farewell
or suicide note.
I was wondering if you--
If I come across anything in the Capponi
library stuffed in a drawer or book...
I'll call you at once.
Thank you.
You've been reassigned.
You were on the Il Mostro case,
I'm sure I read.
- Yes, that's right.
- Now you're on this.
This is much less grand a case,
I would think.
Well, if I thought of my work
in those terms...
yes, I guess I'd agree.
- A missing person.
- Sorry?
Were you unfairly dismissed from
the grander case, or did you deserve it?
Regarding this one, Dr Fell...
are the signore's personal effects
still at the Palazzo?
Packed neatly in four cases
with an inventory.
Alas, no note.
I'll send someone over to pick them up.
Thank you for your help.