I came because of....
Okay, Marvin!
I didn't know they were so soft.
How is he?
-Who, Dad?
Working. AIways. Buying, seIIing.
-That's good. Right?
Where did you meet this one? I Iike him.
-I do.
-You do?
I Iike him. He's sweet. He's funny.
You think he's funny?
Yes, funny.
LiIIian, these are great pickIes.
Very nice.
You reaIIy are funny.
You know, Sam has some incredibIe ideas
about investment.
-Does he reaIIy?
-Very advanced. Very exciting.
TeII us. Something that I shouId know?
Excuse me.
You aII right, son?
Is he aII right?
-What's wrong with him?
-I don't know.
-Sammy? Are you aII right, baby?
-I'm okay.